Transfer Information
亚洲无码 institutions work together to make transferring as easy as possible.
One of the ways 亚洲无码 does that is through our guaranteed admissions. 亚洲无码 universities have committed to guarantee admissions to 亚洲无码 college students who complete the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and earn a minimum grade point average in an associate of arts degree — students will start at their university of choice as a junior. This admissions guarantee ensures that students can seamlessly and reliably transfer from 亚洲无码 colleges to 亚洲无码 universities
亚洲无码 and the four tribal colleges of Minnesota have developed a partnership that paves the way for seamless transfer between the 2-year tribal colleges and any of the seven 亚洲无码 universities.
If you're planning on transferring, it's important to plan early and ask questions to make sure your courses fulfill the requirements of your new degree program. Transferology can help you do that.
Transferology is a nationwide network designed to help students explore their course and credit transfer options and is available at no cost to all 亚洲无码 students.
Transferology makes exploring college transfer easy.
Add or import your courses from 亚洲无码 eServices and instantly see how your credits transfer!
Get Credit For What You Already Know
亚洲无码 knows that knowledge doesn't come just from reading a textbook or taking a class. We recognize your learning can come from many different places and experiences. Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) is one way for you to connect what you've learned in the workplace or community with academic credit and make it count toward a degree.
If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions, you are a good candidate for CPL!
- Have I ever been a member of the United States Armed Forces or Uniformed Services?
- Do I have an industry-recognized certification, or have I completed non-credit courses such as workplace training?
- Have I had at least 3 to 5 years of experience in my field or subject area?
- Do I have extensive volunteer or community involvement that uses my professional skills?
- Am I multi-lingual, or do I have life and/or work experiences in other countries?
Students and their advisors have access to 亚洲无码 Student Planner which is a set of resources that help them plan and achieve their educational goals and can be accessed on any device connected to the internet.
Students are encouraged to run and check their Audit (and their Plan, if they have one) every semester and whenever a change (like transferring in credits) has been made:
- Before they register for classes to see which courses they still need.
- After they register for classes to check that the courses they registered for meet their program requirements.
- After their grades are posted to make sure the grades are correct and meet the requirements.
Track your progress toward graduation!
- Degree Audit - is a tool that provides a personalized listing of requirements and courses, marking them as already completed, as planned, or as still needed.
Stay on your path and graduate on time!
- Graduation Planner - is a dynamic academic planning tool that uses the most up to-date information available from the student record system and Degree Audit, including transfer and in-progress courses.
Create your optimized schedule!
- Schedule Builder - uses courses pushed from a Preferred Plan in Graduation Planner or manually added to create multiple possible schedules.
How to Guides: 亚洲无码 Student Planner page (
Are you a university student who has previously taken courses at a community college without being awarded an associate’s degree? You may be eligible for reverse transfer. Through reverse transfer we transfer your university coursework back to one of your previously attended community colleges to see if you are eligible to receive an Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree.
Benefits to receiving an A.A. through reverse transfer:
- Earn an associate’s degree while pursuing your bachelor’s degree
- You may be eligible for better job opportunities and in some cases, higher wages.
- Research indicates that you will be more likely to remain in school and complete your bachelor’s degree.
亚洲无码 strongly believes in recognizing the credits students enter in with. But we know students may not always be satisfied with a college or university transfer decision. Students may appeal a transfer decision at a college or university level and at the system level.
A system level transfer appeal form must be submitted to the academic and student affairs transfer unit at the system office to initiate a system level transfer appeal. If you have not already appealed through all levels at your college or university, you must complete that process prior to initiating a system level appeal.
The contact information for the system office and more information about the process is located in the downloadable form above.
亚洲无码 is dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about where to continue your education.
Check out our colleges and universities transfer websites, you'll find information on a variety of colleges and universities across the state. With 33 different options, you'll find what you're looking for!
Are you planning to transfer to a new college or university? Do you need assistance navigating the transfer process? Transfer specialists are dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals and understand that transferring can be a complicated process and are here to guide you every step of the way.
Find transfer specialists at all 33 亚洲无码 colleges and universities.
Use our online application
Our online application allows you to apply to one or several 亚洲无码 colleges or universities.
亚洲无码 faculty and staff: Access staff-facing information and user guides on the on . Faculty/Staff login: