Workforce and Economic Development

The Workforce and Economic Development division works in partnership with industry, government and education partners to develop the diverse, multi-talented, learning-agile workforce needed to grow Minnesota's economy now and in the future. Read more about the work we do below. 

亚洲无码 hosts eight Centers of Excellence serving Minnesota’s high-growth industries in: healthcare, information technology, agriculture, manufacturing/engineering, energy, and transportation. Centers of Excellence cultivate a pipeline entry point for highly qualified talent to meet industry employment needs and create a diverse workforce that offers equitable employment outcomes for students and incumbent workers. Strategically located throughout the state, the 亚洲无码 Centers of Excellence drive workforce innovation through education and industry partnerships to inspire students and enhance education.

Centers of Excellence

CPR & First Aid are critical skills necessary for health care and public safety in Minnesota. The Multi-Regional Training Center contracts with the American Heart Association to offer membership and services for instructors providing American Heart Association instruction. The Multi-Regional Training Center provides curriculum and classroom materials, and more for instructors.

Multi-Regional Training Center

New economic and workforce challenges mean that it is more important now than ever before to work together. 亚洲无码 partners with RealTime Talent to engage over 900 stakeholders from government, private industry, foundations, higher education, and non-profits to support economic growth and prosperity. 

The Workforce and Economic Development division manages workforce programs and sponsors online resources for diverse audiences. Find details and resource links in the 'Workforce Tools' section below.